The Project: Your team has started a new company about renewable energy called “Green Machine.” Recently your company showcased a sustainable version of a cell phone charger. This new charger has been adapted to contain a battery pack. During the day, the battery is worn on your wrist, like a watch. The more you move around, the more kinetic energy the battery is able to store! When you want to charge your phone, you simply put the battery back into the charger. The battery acts as a renewable energy source by completely cutting out the need for electricity in order to charge a cell phone. No more running around looking for wall outlets when you have the energy source on your wrist! The Department of Energy can’t get enough; they want you to produce more unique sources of green energy for a different appliance to pitch at the showcase. Once you have decided on your appliance, you must create a three point video pitch that highlights: 1) A brief explanation of why it is important that the appliance you chose becomes more energy efficient; 2) A detailed description of your green invention; and 3) A sales pitch. So, go change the world!