Creative How-To Guides

The Creative How-To Guides are a series of short documents that are designed to provide the students with guidance about creating stories inside of various media formats.

Creating a Short Documentary

Creating a Short Documentary

Wikipedia defines documentary films as “a broad category of non-fiction motion pictures intended to document some aspect of…

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Creating a Radio Story

Creating a Radio Story

Creating a radio drama is a lot like making a movie except for one major difference …it’s all sound!  Your tools are limited to dialogue, music, sound…

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Brainstorming Techniques

Creative Brainstorming Techniques

More than half the fun of writing and producing a story is brainstorming that story. At the very start…

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Building Characters

Creating a Commercial/PSA

Commercials are designed to accomplish two things:
1) Communicate knowledge about a product  — could be a car, shampoo, a law firm, or a person…

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Documentary Filmmaking

Six Principles Of Documentary Filmmaking

Principals of documentary filmmaking include Expository Mode, Participatory Mode, and Poetic Mode. Examples of these modes…

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Creating a Short Documentary

Building Characters

To build a fictional character, you will need to know a) their backstory and b) their future story.

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