Peer relationships can be key influencers in an individual’s decision to use drugs. People are more likely to use drugs and alcohol if someone close to them, like a friend or sibling, is already using or has access to them. Someone like YOU—a trusted and knowledgeable friend, can influence healthy behaviors within your friend group. You are the credible source who can help others understand the important facts about drug abuse and misuse by focusing your research on the facts most impactful to you. In this challenge, you have been hired to create a Public Service Announcement about the health-related impacts of a particular drug of abuse. Your 60-90 second PSA must contain four touch points: 1) a brief preface of the detrimental role that the drug of abuse is currently playing in teen culture in your region and, if desired, nationally; 2) investigation and articulation of why someone would choose to use this particular substance; 3) a thorough summary of both the direct and indirect health effects the substance has on the user’s body and those around them; and 4) the PSA should include a slogan or tag line to help viewers remember the core health message you aim to disseminate.