Literary Alterations


What if…Snowball had not been run off the farm and had won the ideological fight between him and Napoleon (Animal Farm); or Holden Caulfield had decided to stay in school and entered into a romantic competition with Stradlater for the affection of Jane Gallagher (Catcher in the Rye)? In this Challenge, your team must take a major decision by a character in a work of literature, …and change it, playing out the ramifications of this decision in a ‘In the Next Episode’ TV Trailer format.


The Project: Imagine if Holden Caulfield had decided to stay in school and entered into a romantic competition with Stradlater for the affection of Jane Gallagher (Catcher in the Rye). This Challenge requires student teams to focus on a major decision that a featured character makes in a work of literature, and change it. A major decision is a turning point that sets in motion other critical actions in the novel. Keep in mind that this is not about the character not making that choice; it’s about that character – while staying true to his or her self – making a brand new choice. Select a work of literature from your course curriculum. Once a work of literature and a major decision have been selected, students will analyze the character’s existing decision and the ramifications of that decision. When an understanding of the decision has been developed, teams will change the character’s course of action and send the narrative in a whole new direction.


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