Crushing the Aquifer Crisis with Kinematics! (Dramatic Scene, Modeling) (ST)


A jailed hero. A free villain. A plan to blow up one of the biggest aquifers in the world that sits on top of, of all things, a water park! Enter: a scientist who knows a thing or two about kinematic equations. Tell the story and save our fresh water!


The Project: A hero – someone like James Bond or Katniss Everdeen – has been captured by her nemesis! She sits there, desperate and alone in a dreary cell. Here’s the worst of it: our hero knows the villain’s master plan: to blow up one of the biggest aquifers in the world that sits on top of, of all things: a water park! If only there was a way to roll a boulder down a curvy water slide just as the villain is delivering the bomb? BUT, she has no way to stop it from inside her dark room in the villain’s subterranean chamber.

Another prisoner arrives, thrown rudely into the villain’s lockup. This isn’t just any convict. He’s a scientist and he knows a thing or two about kinematic equations that will help solve the crisis. …You know where this is going. Now, go save our fresh water!


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