Meridian Challenges

(2 – 4 weeks) – These are ten-page curricular units that are designed to immerse student teams in the research, design, development and production of a three to four-minute story about a select curricular topic. Each unit contains the following:

Description of the Creative Challenge
Assumptions and Logistics
Process – Detailed breakdown of all the steps that need to be taken to complete the digital storytelling process
Media Support Resources – Links to Meridian support videos and print-outs.
Evaluation Rubric – This covers Content Mastery, Storytelling Mastery, Media Literacy Mastery and 21 st Century Skills Mastery
Essential Questions
Student Proficiencies
Common Core and NGSS Curricular Correlations

Challenges are the soul of Meridian Stories – the signature unit that challenges students to a) deeply explore the select content; b) design narrative around that content (dramatic scene, documentary, game show, PSA, etc. – each Challenge specifies a format); and c) produce a short video or audio piece about the narrative.

We strongly recommend that at the end of this process, the student teams present their work either to the class and/or to assembled parents and friends as a way to showcase their work. The workforce considers Presentational Skills to be a key asset and we encourage you to allow students to practice this skill set as often as possible. These short videos provide a great opportunity for kids to practice their public presentational skills.

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