Abbie Killeen on Acting
Abigail Killeen works as an actor, director, and producer. Her performance research generates theatrical projects that place women in leadership roles: offstage as directors and producers, and onstage outside of traditional narratives, investigating themes of grace and transformation. Most recently she generated, produced, and performed a theatrical adaptation of Isak Dinesen’s short story “Babette’s Feast”. Babette’s Feast was developed at New York Theatre Workshop and premiered at Portland Stage, Maine’s only LORT theater, in January of 2018. Babette’s Feast then transferred to New York in March of 2018 for a 9 week Off-Broadway run at the Theatre at St. Clement’s in New York. Babette’s Feast was a New York Magazine and New York Newsday Critic’s Pick, and was nominated for the “Most Unique Theatrical Experience” Award by the Off Broadway Alliance. It is published by Dramatic Publishing and has been licensed across the US, Canada, and Australia.