Shakespearean Soliloquy Shake-Up


Friends, Romans Countrymen, lend me your ears: Meridian comes to assign soliloquys, not monologues. For the soliloquys of Shakespeare live after him and the monologues are interred with his bones. Welcome to the Shakespearean Soliloquy Shake-Up in which students will produce a video of your whole team performing a re-imagined soliloquy from Shakespeare.


Welcome to the Soliloquy Shake-Up in which students will produce a video of a re-imagined soliloquy from Shakespeare. What is a soliloquy? A soliloquy, as defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is “a long, usually serious speech that a character in a play makes to an audience and that reveals the character’s thoughts.” Soliloquies are different from monologues in that the speaker is speaking to themselves rather than to an audience. Soliloquies allow the audience a glimpse into the character’s mind: their motives and how they think. William Shakespeare excels in the use of soliloquies. He allows us access to the minds of characters like Iago from Othello, Hamlet from Hamlet, and Juliet from Romeo and Juliet. While soliloquies are, in themselves, individual, Meridian Stories is turning it into a group activity. Your task is to choose, rewrite and then perform, in front of a camera, a soliloquy of your choice – although three strong options are on offer in this Challenge.

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