“Miss Brill” Comes to Town: A Short Story-Inspired Podcast


Katherine Mansfield’s brilliant short story, “Miss Brill,” is about one woman’s observations about the goings-on around her. In this Challenge, students will read and analyze the story; observe life (and take notes!) in their own community; and then, based on those observations, create and record (audio only) a fictional scene that mashes up Miss Brill’s perspective with their own lives.


Katherine Mansfield’s brilliant short story, “Miss Brill,” is about one woman’s observations about the goings-on around her. In this deeply rich Challenge, students will read and analyze the story; observe life (and take notes!) in their own community as informed by the story; and then, based on those observations, create and record (audio only) a fictional scene that mashes up Miss Brill’s perspective with their own lives.  The result is a slice of life podcast that, like “Miss Brill”, will reverberate well past your community’s borders.


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