Historical Escape Room


Escape rooms are physical problem-solving spaces. In this Challenge, you and your team are going to design an escape room that has a historical theme to it. OK, here’s a little more detail. There’s a museum in town – say it’s a museum about Prohibition, the Underground Railroad, the Battle of Fort Sumter or even ceramics from the Middle Ages. The proprietors want to build an Escape Room full of puzzles that test the visitor’s knowledge of that historical theme. And you have been commissioned to design it. Go!


Escape rooms are physical problem-solving spaces. In this Challenge, you and your team are going to design an Escape Room that has a historical theme to it. OK, here’s a little more detail. There’s a museum in town – say it’s a museum about Prohibition, the Underground Railroad, the Battle of Fort Sumter or even ceramics from the Middle Ages. The proprietors want to build an Escape Room full of puzzles that engage the players’ minds around that historical theme. And you have been commissioned to design it. Go! Well, not so fast. An entire Escape Room, you say? Well no: just the first phase of development. That includes a) the story that is driving the player’s escape from the room; b) a design of the space with key props and secret passageways (or other secretive places) that is reflective of the historical time period; and c) two puzzles that need to be solved related to your historical topic, that will begin to lead the players out of the room. The video that you will create is your presentation to the Museum Board of your First Phase Development work. In other words, they are not going to pay you the full amount…unless they like what they see. Yup: this is one of those contracts that read: “One third payment upon completion and acceptance of Phase I, and the rest upon delivery of all plans, puzzles and schematics.” So, you have to do your work and present a scenario, a setting and some puzzles to convince the Museum Board that you are on your way to an amazing, history-laden, Escape Room Experience.

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