Democracy Awaken!


The United States is divided between Republicans and Democrats in ways that threaten our very democracy. This begins with the politicians and extends to their constituents – the current and future voters. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that each side is unwilling to listen to the other; is unwilling to seek compromise between their two divergent positions. This Challenge asks you to address that head on through the creation of a dialogue between local community members who happen to be opposed politically. This is about prompting the parties to exchange, listen and seek a position that bridges their beliefs. This is about taking a small step to re-awaken our Democracy through modeling civil discourse.


The United States is divided between Republicans and Democrats in ways that threaten our very democracy. This begins with the politicians and extends to their constituents – the current and future voters. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that each side is unwilling to listen to the other; is unwilling to seek compromise between their two divergent positions. This Challenge is designed to address this divide head on by probing secondary and then primary sources. It begins with some secondary source research into the positions of the two parties. But then it gets interesting. Find one or two people that consider themselves staunch Democrats and one or two people that consider themselves staunch Republicans. We recommend that they be adults (voters). The next part of this challenge asks you to interview them separately – take the Republican participants for example, and find out the two or three basic ideas that drive their thinking; that inform their positions. And then do the same for the other side. That conversation should last no longer than 10 minutes a side. The third part of this challenge asks you to put them all in a room for 20 minutes. Just 20 minutes. Design a series of five questions that will prompt the parties to both outline their point of view, but seek common ground with the other. In other words, this is about prompting the parties to exchange, listen and seek a position that bridges their beliefs.

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