Carpe Theorems! Comedy Sketch: Making Math Funny (ST)


We all know how math can be practical. We all know how math can be stimulating. But can math be…funny? Your team must create a comic skit – two to four minutes – that successfully communicates a) the rules that govern a branch of mathematics and b) illustrations of your select branch (in real life if possible).


The Project: We all know how math can be practical. We all know how math can be stimulating. But can math be…funny? Your team must create a comic skit – two to four minutes – that successfully communicates a) the rules that govern a branch of mathematics and b) illustrations of your select branch (in real life if possible). Your team can choose to focus on: a) algebra – equations, constants, and variables; b) algebra -linear, quadratic, and exponential functions; c) calculus – limits, First Fundamental Theorem, Second Fundamental Theorem; or d) geometry – conic sections (parabola, ellipse, hyperbola). No matter which area you choose above, your team must cover all three subtopics listed above. This Challenges also outlines the components of comedy to help guide the teams to creating a scene that is funny. (This Challenge can be executed in collaboration with the Language Arts Department.)


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