Meridian Stories

Under the Radar

300 Million images are online for your students to peruse at the new Creative Commons Search Tool. A huge shout out to Creative Commons for making the complexities of image rights in the Digital Creation process so intuitive. Three Hundred Million! That’s more images available than words in the English language by about 299.8 million. That’s almost an image for every US citizen.

300 Million Images

Small Digital miracles that make humanity better

Digital Storytelling Project – Six Word Micro Memoir

Hemingway invented the 6-word memoir: “For sale, baby shoes, never worn” – a (tragic) life’s story told in 6 words.  In this Meridian Digital Storytelling Challenge, your team will explore the poetic six-word memoir format with the aim of creating a provocative visual and verbal self-portrait of you and your team.

For the full 12 page Curricular Challenge, Click HERE

Featured Meridian Resource – Time Management

In this section we are talking about helping students to manage their time. This is not about an intricately scaffolded approach. It’s about basic and detailed planning. But time management often isn’t intuitive for students: it needs to be taught, practiced and broken down into its component parts. If your students model this process regularly, they will increase effectiveness, efficiency and productivity. This two page document is your starter kit. Producing – Time Management

Featured Student Work – “The Survivors”

This week’s featured Digital Storytelling Challenge is the Six Word Micro Memoir. This Challenge is so simple and yet so exacting in challenging ways. It asks students to communicate something vital about themselves …in just six words. Take a look at this raw entry – The Survivors – from a Meridian Stories team of high school students in Michigan.
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